Friday, October 27, 2006

Results are in

Results are in for the Chili Cookoff....and I am not the winner. We had 5 completly different tasting chilis, and the winner was our Controller. He must of had the correct balance of spice, meat, beans, and yumness. Who would of figured. However a few of my coworkers have said they liked mine the best, so at least I wasn't last. It was a fun time judging and eating and socializing with coworkers. My belly is full. Oh and we had some awesome desserts. My diet is down the drain for today. I probably won't eat another thing for at least 2 hours. hehe

So tomorrow we are making pretties at Christina's!! She has asked me to bring chili, so I will take my nonwinner recipe to her house for the girls to enjoy. Then we will make some beautiful autumn weaths/centerpieces/pretties. I'm excited about the fellowship and the laughs we will all share. yeah rah


Adam Harshman said...

You're not a loser. You're an unrecognized WINNER! (they taught me that in therapy school) May your indigestion be mild and your flatulance be SBD.

Mooskers J. Featherbottom III said...

An elder at Glendale taught me this little trick you should try...

Some night you've had chili for dinner, when you're in bed for the night, tell Todd you're going to spit on the ceiling and that you're going to aim for over his head. When he covers his head with the blanket/sheets, let a nice fart under the covers for him to enjoy.

Christina said...

Hi Paigey-poo! :) I am SO proud of your chili and for your willing heart to make it! I know it is fabulous!!! Your chili was probably just so unbeliveably good they did not know what had hit them! :) Glad you day a good day!