Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Pink is my Favorite Color??

Pink is not my favorite color, but let's talk about the color pink. (green is my favorite...all shades)

Pink is a red and white mixture of color. Pink is romantic, and calming. It's a color for friendships, love, baby girls. It represents honor and is known to overcome evil (source: the internet). Have you ever heard of Pink the punk rock star...or how about the British rock band Pink Floyd. Pink is a color used for princesses.

I never wore pink when I was younger. I always thought it was too girly (and my room was mauve YUCK). But now I love the color. I love wearing it and seeing it. It reminds me of love and simple things in life. But I ask...and I give my opinion on my blog...

Why do you see more guys wearing the color pink?? Because it's hot! It doesn't mean the guy is queer or weak, the pink represents a hot fashionable color. I love pink on people (guys, boys, girls, women, old men). I think pink brings out the natural tones in someone's face and makes him/her look beautiful. So the next time you go shopping buy pink! It's in and it's hot!


Mooskers J. Featherbottom III said...

Pink is apparantly Steven Tyler's favorite color.

Adam Harshman said...

Now I know why Todd has all those pink shirts.

And why Moose has a pink base!

No, it's not salmon, it's pink (that's for both of you!!!)

Mooskers J. Featherbottom III said...

That's right, it is salmon :) Actually, the official color from Fender is called 'Fiesta Red'. But I'd call it salmon, because it is definately not pink.

Anonymous said...

These comments are actually for Christina's blog, but someone won't let a non-blogger post comments on their site.....whatever...


#1 you are the sharpest knife in the drawer, you just don't have time to know everything about computer goo.

#2 PINK is a good the new look.

#3 PINK--the singer--went to high school in PHILLY---rock on.