Wednesday, October 11, 2006

writers block

What in the world is writers block? Is it that empty space in your head when you are trying to think of something to write down? Is it the thoughts of everything going on in your life while you are trying to be creative and think of a story to write? Is it a disease? I don't know what it is but what it is is what it is. (read that again please) ok that reminds me of the tv show 'Top Chef' I love that show and it is going to start again pretty soon. Oh yeah, great fun. Ok so last season in 'Top Chef' the had clips at the end of the season and they showed everyone saying "it is what it is" that was hIlArIoUs. Now back to the writers block thing. I was just writing about the writers block b/c I didn't know what I was going to write about. I think I was going through what some call...a writers block. Maybe not. God Rules!


Andy said...

wow. i'm not sure what i just read.

Mooskers J. Featherbottom III said...

Writer's Block, commonly refered to as a brain fart or one's train of thought derailing is nothing more than an acute medical condition resulting from a blog full of complete and utter nonsense, as you have just done. The only remedy of said writer's block is to stand on one leg while wearing all of your clothing backwards. While you are on one leg in your backwards clothes, recite the periodic table of the elements in the order they were discovered. After you have done that, sing Happy Birthday but only sing the consonant sounds. When you have completed said tasks, the writer's block should be cleared up and you can go on posting normal blogs for once. Because, you know, I'm always one for normality.