Results are in for the Chili Cookoff....and I am not the winner. We had 5 completly different tasting chilis, and the winner was our Controller. He must of had the correct balance of spice, meat, beans, and yumness. Who would of figured. However a few of my coworkers have said they liked mine the best, so at least I wasn't last. It was a fun time judging and eating and socializing with coworkers. My belly is full. Oh and we had some awesome desserts. My diet is down the drain for today. I probably won't eat another thing for at least 2 hours. hehe
So tomorrow we are making pretties at Christina's!! She has asked me to bring chili, so I will take my nonwinner recipe to her house for the girls to enjoy. Then we will make some beautiful autumn weaths/centerpieces/pretties. I'm excited about the fellowship and the laughs we will all share. yeah rah
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1 year ago