OK, So my parents are having an auction. Not because someone died but because they have lots and lots of stuff to sell. My mom ownes a florist, before the florist she owned a gift shop/wallpaper/paint etc shop, during that she owned a framing manufacturer plant. Needless to say she has plenty of "stuff" left over from those buisnesses. Plus my parents don't like to and don't have the time to set up Garage Sales. And they have lots and lots of storage places. For the past month or so we have been cleaning out storage areas that have never been touched for 20 years. WOW!So you ask...what brings on this idea to have an auction? Well my mom has terrible knees. She is having a knee replacement next June. In the mean time she is in pain every minute of every day. She has had her home (for 20 years) up for sale b/c it is full of stairs, and her 2 story business building up for sale. In a small town like Cabool, things like that don't sell fast. So why not have an auction. It will bring in people from all over the place (hopefully?!?!) that will be interested in buying a lovely home, a nice building, and lots and lots of stuff. She still has her florist, in a 1 story building. Praise God!
that was my background!
Now during all this cleaning and deciding what to auction and what to keep, we have found many neat things. It's amazing how many stories Mom and Dad have of things. Dad had a shoe box (Fila's Men size 10 box) full, I mean FULL, of...business cards. Why?? b/c my Dad is...well...weird...I guess. You never know when you might need to call someone. Then we found boxes of hotel soaps, pens, pens, match books. My dad is a collector. Bless his heart. He travels a lot for business, so he collects free things. My mom doesn't collect. She buys and doesn't throw away. She is a crafty person. We found craft supply after craft supply. Packages of craft stuff not opened, never used in every room of the house (well almost every room). Also since Mom had her own store we have lots of items from her store...yes will the price tag still in tacked. Why not take that back to the store and sell it. Afterall it was in "storage" for only 3 years. AHHH! Oh did I mention we are only talking about he house. Yes my home I grew up in for 20 years of my life. So sad it is going to be sold, but also so glad Mom can get a house with 1 level! Bittersweet. Enough of this now on to my heirloom side of the story.
Heirlooms! You know, the items sometimes small sometimes big that have a meaning that have been in the family for years. Well, when do you get rid of the heirloom item? This is something else we have been dealing with. If you don't want that "chair," and I don't want that "chair," and that "chair" is falling apart....but it was Great Great Aunt Ednas, what do you do? When do Heirlooms stop being in storage, and sold to someone that would love to have that "chair" in their house. Why not sell the "chair" and bless someone else's life with it. You are not selling the memory of that person just the brittle "chair." Please comment on your theory. If you would like more examples let me know, We have lots of cherished items "in the family." Although I must admit. While we were cleaning out the barn I found 4 coffee mugs that I remember Grandpa EA and Grandma Mac drinking coffee from. So yes I took them, for the memory. And b/c they look pretty cool, pretty unique! And you can't have too many coffee mugs, just ask my friend Carrie.
So for anyone who loves antiques, or stuff, or neat things, or me, please come to the auction. It is this weekend. Saturday 23rd at 9:30 in Cabool. Todd and I will be there. Plus an added bonus for all who attend and read this blog. You can come with us to the cabin and have a weiner roast, skeet shootin' afternoon. hope to see you there.
Please pray the the auction brings in buyers for the home and the business building. This will be a huge relief for my parents. God knows what is to come, and we just have to trust Him.
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1 year ago
Comment again.....Well I thought I would at least say hi. I am sure your parents are proud and you and are very thankful for all your help during this time. You are truly a great daughter to them and believe me they know. I love you and am glad that I completely tricked you into marrying me. I am just afraid that the roofie will wear off soon!
Here's my take.
An heirloom is supposed to mean something. If it loses it's meaning then it's just an old "chair." Like the coffee mugs; those mean something to you, regardless of the value to anyone else, it is a way for you to remember. I think heirlooms are great, I am a big fan of family heritage as so forth. I have recently acquired a book shelf that my grandfather built and it is now in my child's room. I would hope that he will appreciate this when he is older, but if it's just an old piece of junk to him and it holds no meaning, then there is no real reason for him to feel obligated to keep it forever. Anyways, that's my take, hope it means something to you. Have a nice day!
Hi Paige! We are looking so forward to coming to the auction on Saturday! I can't wait to see where you grew up, and I am excited to meet your family! :)
I agree with Adam on the whole Heirloom thing. Heirlooms are something that is very special to you for a very specific purpose! It is something that reminds you of a specific time, place, or person! Be blessed good friend!
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