Friday, September 15, 2006


We Want YOU!!

Ok Andy It is now time for you to start your own blog. Since you have soooo much time at night, we need you to blog with us. You can report on how you are going to be a "big daddy" or how your Fish are doing or just what you have on your mind at 2:00 AM. I know you want to, you just need some encouragment.

Bye Bye Bye


Adam Harshman said...

Yeah! that'll give me someone else's blog to read and comment on! It's easy and I'll post a link to it on MY BLOG!!! (for more information on this topic see "I am easily influenced by my peers" published Sept. 7th at

Paige Ferg said...

Can someone leave a comment on their own blog??? Well I am. I love ready comments, they crack me up. I just wish my own husband would comment on my blog. Wow that sounds weird.

Todd said...


Christina said...

Hi Paige! You all have inspired me to have my own blog! I am so excited!! Happy Friday!

Andy said...

i'm not internet savvy so i'm letting you know i joined the blog team bandwagon. and this is the only way in know how to communicate it to you online. anyway, i gotta bounce.