Monday, September 11, 2006


So one of the best things in life is competition. Some people are very competitive and some are well not so competitive. Which one are you?? I am very competitive. Todd and I played tennis with our friends Andy and Carlye this last weekend. And at first you just hit the ball back and forth and don't really care if you mess up or not. However once we started keeping score, I couldn't get a ball to hit over the net and inside the lines. Needless to say I was very upset at my terrible skill. I knew I could do better, but for some reason my feet wouldn't move and my eyes wouldn't read the ball fast enough to make a good play. I was very frustrated at myself.

(My competitive nature comes from my dad. We love to compete, to play, to win. And yes winning is sweeter when you have lost before.)

But as we kept playing I stopped being mad a myself. and Amazingly I started playing better. I don't remember who won in the end, but I know Team Ferguson was behind and we did catch up. But I don't remember the final game count. And yes, Carlye is pregnant so you would think it is unfair, but she is all over the place. We'll just have to see her move at 8 months. Game on!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

keep them coming. they give me some thoughts to ponder when i'm up at midnight.

i'm happy you made the comment about carlye. she does play amazing considering she's so far along in her pregnancy!