Tuesday, September 29, 2009


It's fun treating Tuesday as a Saturday. What better day to have off work to go play and do what you want without all the crowds of people! This morning we woke up and went to play golf. Ok so maybe Todd played golf and I watched. However he did let me take a couple of swings. And it took a couple of swings to even make contact with that stupid little white ball. Todd said I had good form, so maybe one day it will be one solid motion with some contact. (Santa, I would like lady golf clubs for Christmas. lol)
After golf we decided to pack a picnic for the beach. It's such a nice day. Crisp air this morning and crispier air tonight. A slight breeze that cools you off when the sun is not covered by the clouds. We snorkled some uncovering seashells. The beach was quiet. Only a few other couples were there and we were spaced out about 100 yards apart. I love living here during this time of the year. Everyone not from Florida should make a point to visit this area during the fall.

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