Tuesday, February 13, 2007

PB&J combo

Have you ever tasted the Salt & Vinegar Chips? Well I have and I hate it. It is just so stinkin tart or sour or just plane bad. Todd loves it. The only "vinegar" like chip we agree on is the Dill Pickle. (Can I get a WHOO WHOO?) Since I'm not a fan of the salt & vinegar Todd likes to get it when we go to like Subway or if we are on a trip. That keeps me from stealing one, he's so smart! But I will say he doesn't buy that chip often b/c well he loves me more than the chip! (Yahoozle!!) So I was enjoying my PB&J and all of a sudden Sally returns from the store. She just bought a bag of Salt & Vinegar Chips. (YUCK) Usually she comes back with a chip I like, like Dill Pickle or something besides S&V. So she opens the bag and starts eating, she looks over at me eating my PB&J solo and says, " You have got to try these. They are sooo good." I look over and say, "Salt & Vinegar...I usually don't like them, but I will try it." So I hesitate (but only for a second, people, it is me we are talking about) and head to her office. Grab A Chip and chew. Hum Not bad. (Woooaah!) Not bad, what am I saying. So I think about it. And then I grab a paper towel and dump some chips on it for me! What a delight! These chips go great with my PB&J. What a combo, just the right about of sweet, just the right amount of zing. So I guess now, Todd, we can get those chips you love, b/c they are really not that bad.


Christina said...

You GO girl!! Way to try something new!! :) Hope you are being blessed today! love you!

Todd said...

Um....Salt and Vinegar chips. Who doesn't like those? And more important who doesn't like dry heaving in your mouth right before you eat your first one? Or is that just me? I agree with trying things again, but there are a couple of things that I have tried a million times a mill different ways that I believe I will never ever like.

1. Tomato Soup
2. Original V8
3. Potato Salad
4. Cole Slaw
5. Bologna

Anonymous said...

HELLO???!!--Wait until you get PREGNANT!!! You will LOVE EVERY chip there is!!

(oh...and I know you will get pregnant soon...:)

eeww--todd---stop with the dry heaving comments...gross...and who doesn't like tomato soup with a grilled cheese sandy??

Mooskers J. Featherbottom III said...

Well, I for one don't care for sand on my cheese - grilled or not. I don't know how they do things in Philly, but 'round here, thangs is differnt!

Andy said...

i guess i'll be the only one to give you a whoo whoo.

mmm. tss. mmm, mmm. tss

that's the beat box to go with it.