Thursday, May 29, 2008

Sometimes all it takes is a good cry!

Ever had one of those days or weeks that nothing seems to go your way? Well that would be the week I just had. Don't want to bore you with details but times were either way exciting and joyful or just down right in the dumper for me! Let me tell ya it was hard to keep a smile and push forward at times. All I wanted was the day to end.
So when times are like that and there are no words that could express the emotions or ways to fix the situations, all you have left is to just cry it out. Yeappers; Sometimes all it takes is a good Cry to release the pressure. Thank God, I am just a prayer away from God's comfort. Thank God, Todd is there to just hold me till I'm all better.

Enjoy this photograph I took of a little girl who had a moment when words wouldn't do.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Seriously Trusted Daily

Isn't this the greatest Flea Market around. New Used and Abused!
So what does S.T.D. really stand for?
Sell Trinkets Downtown
Super Trades Done
Standard Treasures Dynasty
Spiraling Tornadoes Devastation
Success Totally Dude

Now it's your turn to think of one....

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Congratulations to all the Grads!

I just wanted to give a shout out to all the Graduates in the world! Good job guys! And Good Luck!

And now a shout out to my cousins Doug Walls and Jordan Montgomery--Now that you are a High School Graduate of Cabool, there are a few things you should know....

1. No matter where you go in life Cabool will always be HOME no matter how bad you want to get out.
2. Being a CaBulldog is the greatest experience in your life...well one of the greatest! There's nothing like a home football game, like Cabool vs Mtn Grove!
3. It's true the freshman 10 is a myth, unless you eat out a lot or survive on mac n' cheese, then the freshman 10 will turn into freshman 20.
4. You will know no one at school.
5. You will actually have to read a text book and write plenty of papers!
6. If you don't get a part-time job you will never meet anyone.
7. Don't fall into sororities and frats, that's like buying friends. But if you do, have fun and don't forget to study first!
8. Then next 4-6 years will be interesting for you. Lots of changes and challenges and new faces.
9. Don't forget to call home...and come to visit your parents once in a while.
10. Take this next year to become closer to God, build a bigger foundation with Him than you ever have before.

And a Big Good Luck to Amber! Thanks for letting me take your Senior Pics! It was a blast!

Thursday, May 08, 2008

OMGoodness, It's Grandma's "Quilt"

My Grandma Walls made several Scrap Quilts. Scrap Quilts defined as a thick blanket with multiple prints and shapes. I have several of them that she had made. It's always a reminder of how crafty she was, even though she never thought she was crafty. The blankets were so warm and fun. Just checking out the different "vintage" patterns in polyester is fun! It wasn't till the other day when I was looking for a blanket to curl up in that I grabbed one of Grandma's! So Big! So Warm! So Comforting!
Then Todd and I had a date night and we were walking up to the Fish House (Bass Pro's Restaurant in Branson on the lake) and I saw Grandma's Blanket....but it wasn't my Grandma, it was someone else's grandma; and it wasn't a blanket, it was a jacket! Too cool. So I held my camera down and snap a shot so no one knew what I was doing! (lol) An exact replica of the style, but I guess Grandma Walls wasn't "as crafty" as this other grandma. And of course grandpa's outfit is a classic!
Thanks for letting me share and reminisce.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

The Unexpected

The best part about going into work is the unexpected. Who do I get to work with today? Who do I get to deal with today? Are we going to be busy or slow? How many times do I have to small talk about the weather? More importantly, what are my plans after work? But tell me what happens when something so out of the ordinary of "work" happens at work? Well for me, I smiled and smiled and was able to brag about it all day to everyone at work! Oh yeah, Monday I head into work and what is waiting for me at the Customer Service hut, a bouquet of bright red tulips, and the best part, my name was on the card! And the second best part, I wasn't expecting it! It wasn't my birthday, or anniversary, or because there was a fight or argument, NO. It was because well, as he put it on the card, "I am so proud of you. I love you! Todd" And then the questions arrives...Proud of ME? Why?

So I called to clear that up. And he said, "Because you're an awesome wife, and Amazing at Life." Now how often does someone, anyone, say that to you or anyone for that matter? I love my husband because he is so awesome and for being so clever and so stinkin cute at being my husband! And yes, a smile was plastered all day at work and after work, well that was awesome too! ;)