Tuesday, October 13, 2009


There is just something about living close to the beach that makes you want to go there on your days off. And maybe it has more to do with this amazing weather we have been having. Today it was 87 degrees, the water temp was perfect, and it was a yellow flag! Combine it all and you have a perfect day at the beach. As you can tell from this picture. Another thing you can tell from this picture is that we were about to get rained on by that enormous rain cloud which had no end. It did start to sprinkle but we had already endured enough sun time so we were ready to head back. It just amazes us that it's October and we are wearing tshirts and shorts and swimwear. It's just plain craziness and we love craziness.


Rachael said...

i love this picture! it is frameable! (is that a word?) :) good work!

Rance, Elizabeth, Logan and Emma Walls said...

Have I told you that you suck!?!?!