Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Answers to your anonymous questions

Picture of the day. Palm tree leaves! I live here!! As far as the picture of the day everyday...not happening. We rarely have time to get online let alone take pictures sometimes. Todd has been working open to close the last few days, and I have been sitting at home missing him...lol...and being a house wife.

Now for the answers to "anonymous'" questions....whoever you are!

Q) What do you call a guy in the water with no arms and no legs?
A) Bob

Q) Why is grass green?
A) Chlorophyll

Q) How many WPM can you type?
A) Last I timed my typing skilz it was less than 3 mistakes at 62WPM. Don't know if I could do that now.


1 comment:

anonymous said...

Well its nice to see someone finally answered my questions. I was beginning to think i was just wasting my time. I hope your enjoying Florida.

A few more for your enjoyment today.

1.Have you ever solved a rubix cube? (without taking the stickers off)

2.What is mario's brothers name?

3.Carpool or drive alone?
