Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Logan turned 2

I can't believe how much time flies! Little Logan is now 2, and the terrible twos have already begun! Luckily for my bro and sis the diaper bill will soon go down as Logan is getting really close to being fully potty trained. How exciting. At Logan's Birthday Party Eliz asked is he was ready to open presents and Logan's response was, "NO, Need to Poo!" Too funny. He went in the big boy potty and then opened presents. However next year we will open all clothes presents first. Once he opened the Shrek Fishing Pole and gear (from Tistal and Hay) he was hook line and sinker on that present. Then when he opened the drum set that Mima and Papa got him he was a drumming machine! The Gap clothes didn't impress him any, but that's ok b/c he will look darling fishing and playing the drums!! Logan was a little under the weather at his birthday. He was throwing up all day. But that didn't keep his spirits down too much, he still was adorable as ever!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Dude, My feet hurt!

I've got some mad pain in my feet and my legs. I walk with a weird gimp and it's not because I fell down and hurt myself; it's because i've been working at GAP, busting my hump! During my never-ending job hunt I have been filling in at the GAP and working very random hours. Well just the other day I went into work at 7 am and was going to work until 5:30, but we had so much to do and not enough people working that I was able to work a little longer. Let's say until 11:30 PM. yet that's right 7am-11:30pm. I'm proud to say I didn't watch a lick of tv that day!!
Then just yesterday (Thursday) I woke up at 4 to do shipment at 5!! I took a 4 hour break for lunch (so I could do an interview!!!! will hear something soon I hope) and went back at 5 til 10. So yep, I'm a GAPster and loving it. It's a lot of hard work, but at the same time, I'm loosing some weight!! This running around all day instead of sitting on your bum at a desk is awesome on the waistline!!!
We are off to see Logan turn 2!! Don't forget to wear GREEN on Monday!!