Friday, July 20, 2007

Beach Bummm

This is my wonderful nephew LOGAN. This is his first trip to the Beach!!! Florida Beach in fact! Our friend Amy is getting married on the beach today! So the "lucky" friends and family that were able to take off work and go vacation and celebrate the marriage of Amy and Colin are bummin on the sand. Lucky for me Eliz is a wonderful Sis-In-Law and she sent me a couple of pics (this is from yesterday, Thurs)...I thought I would share with my blog friends! Doesnt' this pic just make you want to be there saying "OK Logan, Throw me the Ball!!" How adorable! How lucky! I just love this kid! When we lived in Springfield, I would take the hour drive for granted so we didn't travel home very often. Now that we are a few more hours away (4) I wish I could travel to see this little guy grow up more often. He is constantly getting bigger and bigger. Turning into a young boy. What a gooob! Ok, just a week before I can hug his little body!!!! Can't wait!

Monday, July 09, 2007

Freedom Celebration

July 4, 2007
Todd and I were able to just hang out at the house all day together! It was wonderful to have a day off at the same time! I prepared a feast (chicken cordon bleu, corn on the cob, & peas) for all the Ferguson's!! (all us meaning all 4 of us to the left, Todd, Me, Rachael and Shane). We ate and then waited around until 8 to show up at the mall for B'ville's Firework show. Note pic at right, we are hanging out waiting on darkness to hit so fireworks can explode!! We had a lot of fun together and you can read more about our fun adventure on Shane and Rachael's website (link to the right). Plus this pic is stolen from there...thanks brother! They have an awesome new camera and we managed to get all 4 of us in a pic at an arm's length away. Nice camera!! Anywho we waited and waited and waited around for the show to start and finally a little after 10 the parking lot lights turned black and the show began. The best part was Shane commentating the event! He was so excited about the big booms that shook the truck and pounded your soul. It was awesome!
2007 4th of July was different than our usual celebration. Usually for the 4th we head to Todd's dad's for a huge family and friend celebration bbq. We would eat brats, chicken, hamburgers, etc and all the fixins plus more dessert. Once we would get full of food we would play some backyard ferguson volleyball. That is always loads of fun, like 10 ppl on a team, no lines just judgement calls. Sometimes we get the guns out and have target practice down the hill. Safety first of course! Once the sun goes down it's time for the guys to get all their firecrackers ready to shoot. We would eat some more goodies and set our lawnchairs a safe distance from the crazy boys with punks. OOs and Awws and booms and bangs fill the air with the traditional laughter of love. I love this holiday!!! But this year it just wasn't the same. You know what they say....maybe next year! I hope so!

Friday, July 06, 2007

Happy 40th!!

Happy 40th post to me. Happy 40th post to me. Happy happy happy. Happy 40th post to me.

Now that my song is out of the way I can get down to business! I encourage my readers to check out Todd's blog as he has posted some pics from our trip to Wichita!! Great adventures! And never a dull moment as we act wacky crazy like dorks. yep that would be our middle name...dork!

So not much to write about since it has been either rainy or crazy hot in B'ville. Let me tell you when it rain it pours! When the sun it out, the sun is indeed out and bright and hot.

We have been watching Tennis on tv and we are inspired! Tonight we are going to the courts. Is that like going to the mattresses? Like I said...dork.

To my friends and family who read, WE MISS YOU! See you soon.