This is my wonderful nephew LOGAN. This is his first trip to the Beach!!! Florida Beach in fact! Our friend Amy is getting married on the beach today! So the "lucky" friends and family that were able to take off work and go vacation and celebrate the marriage of Amy and Colin are bummin on the sand. Lucky for me Eliz is a wonderful Sis-In-Law and she sent me a couple of pics (this is from yesterday, Thurs)...I thought I would share with my blog friends! Doesnt' this pic just make you want to be there saying "OK Logan, Throw me the Ball!!" How adorable! How lucky! I just love this kid! When we lived in Springfield, I would take the hour drive for granted so we didn't travel home very often. Now that we are a few more hours away (4) I wish I could travel to see this little guy grow up more often. He is constantly getting bigger and bigger. Turning into a young boy. What a gooob! Ok, just a week before I can hug his little body!!!! Can't wait!
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1 year ago