Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Church Hunting

Church Hunting. Sounds like a fun game, right? Wrong...well kinda wrong, kinda right. It's neat to see the different ways people worship and give praises to God. It's neat to see all the different bulletins that are handed out. It was really weird to see a flyer that said Poker Run and Bike Run that is hosted by a church. Poker and Church...sounds like a Full House! hehe. Each church is so different. Good stuff.
What are we looking for....a church that is ALIVE! After all Jesus is Alive, and we want a church that expresses that! We love upbeat music (groovin in our seat music), we like to see an inviting church, people that are not afraid to welcome us and introduce themselves to us. People our age would be nice. After all we need friends!!! And on top of that we want to stay awake during the sermon! A Bible driven church, That's all.
Get this...last Sunday (Mother's Day) we visited a church which had rock music going on! The head music singing guy was actually jumping up and down to the music. crazy wild awesome! Then the preacher started...and yeah it was a woman pastor! The husband and wife pastor the church together; apparently they take turns giving the sermons. and since it was mother's day...she spoke. It was like a woman's conference...but it was really grounded and Bible driven. A very friendly church with lots of young ppl. yeah. we will probably go again.
Bartlesville also has a Friday Church. So we will check that out too. Hopefully it will be a good fit since Todd does has to work some Sundays, so Friday would be a good day for us to still attend church together.
Everything is going good. We are just adjusting to all the new stuff. We miss you all!! See you soon!!


Adam Harshman said...

Good to hear from you! We miss you too. Good luck on the church shopping. How's work going?

Anonymous said...

Hello Paiger!! I MISS you!!! Thanks for the new post! We will be praying that God opens the door to a cool new church for you guys!! We LOVE you!
:) Christina

Anonymous said...

It's so good to read an update. Congrats on the new job. Church hunting can really be frustrating but it's so worth it when you find the right church. I take that back... it's not necessarily frustrating at first. It just gets old after awhile. But you'll find the right church. I hope you guys love it out there. Take care, Stephanie

Steve and Janet said...

Hey, Paige & Todd,

You have moved!!! I didn't know that until recently. I hope you find a church that fits both of you.

You are a very special couple. We will see you in a couple of weeks at the wedding.

Janet K.

Anonymous said...

God Bless You All....

Man I may have to make a OK Run...I know all about the whole alone and church thing...

You guys are awesome and I hope to see ya soon.

Love Ya

Brother James